It's Just One More Thing

It’s Just One More Thing The other day, a friend mentioned a new, unwanted challenge that recently showed up in her life. I listened to the details, and, after being sympathetic to her plight, me being me, I offered some logical and encouraging responses. After hearing me out, she paused and then said, “yeah, but it’s just one more thing.” At first her reply struck me funny. It was obvious that she had no choice but to agree with my responses. She realized they were logical, and she knew that any attempt to argue against them would be futile. At second thought however, her response spoke deeply to me, and, in truth, stomped heavily on my toes. Years ago, while working as a junior computer consultant, I was tasked with an extensive inventory project. Assigned to consult with the school district of Philadelphia, I had to take a detailed inventory of their facilities department so my company could implement new software to help manage their cost and materials. Even today, some twenty year...