
Showing posts from June, 2017

The Greatest Creator (of Them All)

I've listened to Doyle Lawson and Quicksilver sing the song "The Greatest Creator (of them all) many tymes and I've always enjoy it, but today the song rang quite true to me... Today as I was working on my resume, a less than enjoyable task in my estimation, I started to get rather down on myself and started questioning practically every choice I’ve made over the years. The process began to go down hill rather quickly and I decided it was tyme for a well deserved and much needed break. I went into the kitchen and started to put some dishes away and tidy up. As I worked, I happened to glance out the window to check the state of a troubled clematis. Much to my surprise, I saw a little sparrow perched on a decorative ladder that is there for the clematis to climb. I immediately thought it a beautiful picture, but I knew there was no way to get a clean capture of the sight because as soon as I attempted to step out into the clear of day, the bird would likely fly away. What ...