
Showing posts from February, 2020

Leap Day

Practically everyone knows that Leap Day comes around every four years. I write 'practically everyone' because there are those select few who fail to pay attention to such things as Leap Day and Daylight Savings and end up early or late depending on the overlooked event. Most people however are prepared when Leap Day comes around. Leap Day is some creative person's solution - many credit Roman Emperor Julius Caesar - to calculating the earth's revolution around the Sun. So, bear with me here, it takes approximately 365.25 days for the earth to revolve around the sun. That .25 adds up to one day every four years. Of course, that is among the simplest of explanations used to explain why February has 29 days every four years. So why is Leap Day so important? Well, it basically comes down to this; if we didn't have a Leap Day every four years, then basically over a 100 year span we would lose around 24 days, which means eventually Winter would be in the Summer and Spri...