The Linen Bin
I recently took a new job where I sort donations into categories likes Housewares, Electronics, Linens, and so on. The influx of donations on a daily basis is substantial and therefore makes the job is extremely fast-paced and physically demanding. We have to move a lot of stuff, and quickly, in order to stay ahead. Sometymes when I get a mixed bag, or what I call a “Mary Poppins bag”. of stuff … you know, the bag that has everything and just keeps on giving … it can be quite frustrating. I’ll drop something in the electronics bin, pull out something that needs to go out to the book bin, only to find more electronics as I go through the bag. It really is quite exhausting at tymes. Because of the Mary Poppins bags, sometymes it just makes more sense to stand in a central location and start tossing things where they go. Of course, this practice is not recommended for Housewares items; for whatever reason, coffee mugs, plates and such tend to like to break if you toss them. Odd. However, ...