
Showing posts from July, 2024

Warning Signs

     The other morning while traveling to a friend’s house, a driver heading toward me flashed his lights at two different tymes. Once when he was far back, and then again when he was getting ready to pass me. We were on a country road, complete with winding curves and rolling hills or “whoa bumps” as I named them for my niece and nephews. You know, it’s that type of little hill that, when you go over it at just the right speed, makes your stomach leap up to your throat and you cannot help but let out an audible “WHOA.”      At the driver’s first, distant signal, I immediately thought to check my speed. You see, around these parts, flashing lights often indicate that there is a police officer ahead who, if you don’t, is ready to check your speed for you. While I was confident that I was not speeding, I glanced down at the speedometer just to reassure myself. As it turned out, I was going about ten miles under the speed limit and quickly let go of that fea...